Psalm 2
Today we will continue on in our study in Psalm 2. We learned yesterday the theme of this Psalm is God’s use of “His Anointed” to defeat and control a rebellious people. Today let’s look at how God will rule over this rebellious people and what man’s responsibility to Him is.
III. God’s Rule- verse 7-9
First and foremost it is made know that Christ is the Son of God and the decree has been spoken to Him. Verse 9 tells us what the decree is, “You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Remember that a decree is a task or rule which must be obeyed. The task Christ is given is to correct and punish the rebellious peoples. Christ is going to correct this rebellious people by way of a rod (Revelation 12:5; 19:15). A rod was meant for correction and punishment and was usually made from a wand or cane. Here it is made out of iron which shows us how weighty, severe, and effectual the punishment will be. This punishment will not only bruise, but it will break them into pieces like a shattered clay pot. We must keep in mind that Psalm 2 is a prophet Psalm giving us insight into what is to come. David Pitcairn says, “Upon Christ’s second return, He will dash, scatter into pieces the antichristian confederacy of kings and peoples, and take possession of His long promised and dearly purchased inheritance.” I believe too, that this rod is going to be a dividing tool used to seperate God’s promised inheritance and those who do not belong to Him.
*Read Matthew 3:17 and Mark 1:1. Who do these verses say God’s Son is?
*Read Hebrews 12:7-11. Who does the Lord discipline? Why? What does being disciplined by the Lord result in?
*Describe a time when you have experienced God’s discipline. How did you view it at the time? How do you view it now?
In verse 8 God’s promise is spoken. He promises the Anointed One that at His (the Anointed One) request the nations of the earth will belong to Him and He will rule over them with an absolute scepter of authority. Not only does God promise the Anointed His inheritance, He also promises support to Christ in all the conflicts and trials He will face
*Read Isaiah 42:1-9. What do these verses say about God and His relationship to Christ?
*Read Psalm 55:22. What does God promise to do for the righteous?
VI. Man’s Responsibility- verse 10-12
Here is an exhortation from the Psalmist to the rulers of the nations to yield to the Anointed One. I believe this exhortation is for us as well. Those who reject the Anointed One will experience the divine wrath of God. Those who put their trust in Him will be blessed.
*Read Proverbs 2:1-9. True wisdom lies in obeying God. What do these verses tell you about the value of wisdom?
Verse 12 says to “Kiss the Son”. Kissing someone was a symbolic act indicating allegiance and submission. It gives us to idea of embracing and depending on the one we have kissed. To kiss the Son, would imply that one is depending upon Him alone for everything. I was reading last night The Attributes of God by A.W.Tozer. I was taken aback by a statement he made. I want to share it with you. He said, “We’re not a happy people because we’ve got our minds set on things. We multiply things, and we increase things and we perfect things. We beautify things and put our confidence in things and God. We have our job and God; we have our husband and God; we have our strong body and God; we have our good job and God; we have our home and God. We have our ambition for the future and God, and so we put God as a plus sign after something else. Our problem is that we are putting our confidence in things and not in God. All that is beneath God will not satisfy.” Do you get the picture of what he is saying. Maybe this visual will help.
Husband + God = Happiness
Kids + God = Happiness
God = Happiness
When God is our all in all; He alone satisfies our deepest longings. He fills all the voids. He provides all we need. He comforts. He heals. He protects. He never leaves nor forsakes. He never changes. He’s always trustworthy, always opened armed, always quick to listen. He is full of grace and mercy, compassion and love. HE IS EVERYTHING!
*When was the last time you kissed the Son? Let Him be your all today.
Oh, God, satisfy our deepest longings today. Meet us where we are. Wrap Your arms around us and hold us tight. We praise You. We love You. You are our everything.
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