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Discipline yields Righteousness

"He disciplines us for our good,
so that we may share His holiness.
All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful,
but sorrowful, yet to those who have been trained by it;
afterwards it yields the peaceful
fruit of righteousness."
Hebrews 12:10b-11, NLT

God is perfect, righteous, holy, and just. Therefore, His discipline is perfect, righteous, holy, and justifiably necessary for His children. Without the discipline of God, our lives would be unable to reflect His glory.

Discipline increases wisdom; along with wisdom come blessings from the Lord.

Discipline brings one into the protective realm of the hand of God, making us submissive to His authority.

Discipline is evidence of God's love for His children.

Discipline is a means by which God educates His children in the way they are to go. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, we see that Paul learned humility and the power of God in his life because of the "thorn in the flesh". Paul was to walk in the path of humility, recognizing that all he was and was doing could only be attributed to the power of Christ in him.

Discipline, although uncomfortable to its recipient, is good.

1 Lovely Thoughts Shared:

Anonymous said...

Whatever it takes for God to mold me into the image of his Son, may it be done unto me. What could be greater than to be led to walk the life of Christ?