The kids had been playing all morning in the back yard around a pile of wood; not a care in the world, not a fear, not a worry. Having decided to build a wooden castle, they began moving and restacking the logs. I had just sat down on the swing to do a little reading when I heard a shriek of terror come from behind me.
“SNAKE!” screamed my six year old son.
“Mom, there’s a snake under there!”
Hurriedly I ran to where he was. “Where is it?” I asked him.
“Right there, right there!” he said jumping up and down.
Instructing him to back up, I went in for a closer look. Sure enough, right there underneath the log he had just picked up, lay a snake as still as a statue waiting for a little hand or foot to get close enough for him to strike.
Immediately I grabbed the phone and called my dad. After describing to him what the snake looked like he told me it was a copperhead and said he would be right home to take care of it.
Within a few minutes he drove up. Now, if it had been me I would have gone right over to see the snake, but he chose first to arm himself with the tools he needed to kill this very poisonous snake. Ready with some kind of hoeing contraption he rounded the corner headed to the wood pile.
I walked over to the pile of wood and pointed to where the snake lay motionless. One by one, he began removing logs from the pile in order to clear the way so he was able to get a good look at the snake.
Dad lifted the snake from underneath the log and sat him out in the open. As the snake stretched its body to full length, my dad talked with the kids about the importance of staying away from snakes. He explained to them that this snake was extremely poisonous and if it had bitten them, it could have possibly killed them. “Snakes are very dangerous,” he said. “Whenever you see a snake, you need to go the other way,” and with that he killed the snake.
After all the commotion, I sat down in the swing and it hit me how close my kids were to being bitten by this snake. They had played right beside it all morning. They had moved logs all around it. They had stood right beside it and had even reached their hands down by where it lay coiled up.
As I thought more about my children, I couldn’t help but think about the serpent who lies in waiting prepared to strike out at us when we least expect it. The enemy, Satan, greatly desires to wound and destroy the children of God. So many times we go about our daily lives unaware the enemy is even close by. We involve ourselves in activities that appear to be harmless. We move this log and pick up that log making our lives into what we desire them to be, never realizing the enemy could be just steps away waiting for the perfect time to strike causing our world to come crashing down.
Our logs could be a number of different things: an unhealthy relationship with someone who is not our spouse; an addiction to pornography, alcohol, prescription drugs, or an illegal substance; an eating disorder; an anger issue; and the list could go on and on. What we must realize is this- the enemy is waiting; he is waiting for that perfect opportunity to render us ineffective for God’s kingdom.
So what do we do? How do we protect ourselves from the enemy?
~When I saw the snake I knew it wasn’t your average garden snake; I knew it was dangerous and could quickly strike and do lots of damage. You and I must know and understand who the enemy is and that he desires to harm us. We must be alert at all times watching out for his schemes and traps.
Boxing on Sundays
7 years ago
11 Lovely Thoughts Shared:
OH what a great post! May we never forget that although we have an enemy, our Daddy is big enough to take care of him. Thank you for that great reminder!
I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer. Take care my friend!
Praise the Lord that your littles were OK. A good reminder that despite our best efforts, our children's safety is in our Father's hands.
A beautiful application in your story.
Thank you for sharing!
Love this life lesson!
Great post! Thank you for sharing. I am glad your children were unharmed.
I LOVE your new look! And I'm so thankful the snake was seen before it could hurt anyone!
Great points.
Amen!! I came in from my jog a couple weeks ago and found a black snack on my driveway. I don't like snakes at all and froze in my steps when I saw it. We live on Lady's Island in SC where snake's are everywhere (so I'm now told). Why didn't someone tells us this before we bought our house here? I had the same thoughts you did about how satan slivers around seeking to destroy anyone who will give their hands or feet to be bitten. Once I collected my self I asked God to please remove the snake and he did.. to my next door neighbors yard! This brought me to my second thought. As we resist the enemy he flees but to where.. to our friends, our loved ones, our children and husbands. We have to pray at all times for Gods protection of those we hold near to our hearts.
We need to be reminded of who the enemy is and how he moves about ready to strike at any moment. Thank you for sharing Jenifer!
Thank you Jenifer for using what God has truly given you a gift of, sharing His word thru words in simpe eveyday terms.
May God Bless you and contiue to use you for His kingdom!
Serving Him, Linda
I love how you teach God's word through everyday happenings!
God is truly using you to share His word!
Blessings, Linda
I just found your blog and I am glad I did. It is incredibly beautiful and I love how you were able to relate your children & your father & the snake {how fitting given the references} to how much God loves us and take cares of us & how the enemy is always trying to get us. I am very thankful that the snake never got your children and they knew right away to call to you when they saw the snake!
I was fixing to post for your WFW and saw this post and it caught my eye; We had two instances of finding water moccassins; The first time near our backdoor-our dog alerted us to that one and it hissed at my husband before slithering away, but the next time...we were on our way to church and I normally just head into the garage to get into our vehicle.
That morning, I was thankful that the kids were with their grandparents, because as I headed out, I hit the garage door opener on the way out and as the garage door went out...(we estimated) a six foot water moccassin (we think he was sunning himself on the driveway-boy, he would have been in for a surprise, had he stayed), came in, curled at first and then reared it's head and hissed.
(when you see a water moccassin do that once, you don't ever forget it again).
I was lucky.
He was probrably 4 feet away (with room to strike) and I quickly ran backwards and hubby and I ran into the house and slam the door from there.
Hubby never got him, but it was a reminder...we have to keep vigilant, but particularly keep our children vigilant.
The enemy strikes when we least expect it and the enemy doesn't always strike in full view or with warning...sometimes, the enemy attacks subtle or innocent and we have to keep our guard up.
Jen~ funniest thing was the devil kept trying to get me to go to bed without reading this. I could actually feel his icky pull on me, but I forged through and God has blessed me with your words. Thank you! Love you always!
Girl you know I would have been calling my Daddy too! :)
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