I Choose God
Psalm 31
* Pray. Ask God to give you an open heart and mind to learn new truths from His Word. Read Psalm 31 through three times. Record any thoughts or questions you have in your journal. If a verse stands out to you, write it on an index card and begin committing it to memory.
As I cracked open my Bible to begin studying through Psalm 31, I got not further than the first half of verse one.
"In You, O LORD, I put my trust;"
Psalm 31:1a, NKJV
Immediately a question came to my mind, "do I really trust God?" Of course I trust God... I think....I hope....I do, right?
I was curious to know what the original meaning of trust was so I grabbed my Strong's Concordance and began reading. Trust is the transliteration of the Hebrew word châsâh, which means to flee for protection; figuratively to confide in: - have hope, make refuge, (put) trust.
As I thought more about the true meaning of this word trust, I couldn't help but recall rough times in my life; times when I was in desperate need of something or someone to cling to, someone to protect me, someone to confide in, someone to trust.
Far too many times I have sought the protection of those around me, only to be wounded more. Too many times I have clung to others and confided in them the deepest secrets of my soul, only to be betrayed in the end.
Just this week I have been faced with two major "trust" issues. Due to the state of our national economy, companies are cutting back their work force. While my husband has a job today, the future is unknown. Who am I going to trust? Am I going to trust that God is sovereign and has all things resting in the palm of His hand or am I going to panic and worry myself sick?
Knowing that God has called me to serve Him and others by using the gifts He's given me of teaching and writing, my heart was saddened this week to learn that what this has looked like in the past is going to be changing. Am I going to give up, retire my pen and podium, and deny what He has called me to?
Who am I going to trust? Man or God?
Who am I going to run to for protection during those times of uncertainty? Man or God?
Who am I going to share my fears and desires with? Man or God?
Who am I going to place my hope in? Man or God?
I choose God. I choose God because time and time again He has proven Himself to be trustworthy. Time and time again, He has protected me from the enemy who sought to destroy me. Time and time again, the God of the universe has stood by my side through the good and the bad. And, time and time again He has been my blessed hope.
So, today even though I don't know what the future holds, I choose to trust God because He holds my future in His hands.
Precious one, who will you choose to trust?